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Year 1

This year has been very enlightening. I have learned a lot about the course and the broad world of communication. I am now even more interested and motivated to do this course and finish it successfully. And eventually find a job in this field of expertise.

I wanted to see in what type of communication area I was good in and find out what I liked to do for, hopefully, a long period of my life. That is why I chose this study. The thing I wanted to achieve with this course this year was to learn more about advertising and the "journalistic" side of communication.
I figured that classes would be taught concerning these subjects, so I planned to pay extra attention during these lessons.
I've gained a lot of knowledge in so little time, but I achieved what I came to do. I'm now even more interested in these subjects.
For example MOJO was interesting, but also creative communication and copyright.

There were some successes during this period of time. I passed all my exams without any retakes. The second interview I had to do for this year went pretty good as well. I felt like a real reporter while I was doing the interview. I even made the interviewee talk about things he actually didn't want to talk about. In addition, my interest in this study is also successful, because it just keeps growing.

However, there were also failures. I did do a retake for a report. This was for the class Design. Even though I absolutely love designing, it is strangely enough not my best subject. I got a 50. Unfortunately, during the second and third period I had a lot of stress, because of family problems. Eventually when I did the retake I only got a 55. But I learned from it. It made me realise that I can come up with great creative ideas, but when I have to execute it myself, it's a different story. Nevertheless, when I explain to someone else what my idea is and what I would like to see, they have no problem understanding it and executing it and the result is wonderful. Maybe this is a competency I could use for my future managing job of an advertising team working for me, who knows.

During this year I've received a lot of feedback, but most of the feedback was for the whole the team and not me personally. But with the team management course I did receive personal feedback from my teammates and teachers. Details of that feedback can be found in the team management reflection. I agreed with most of the feedback, but some of the feedback I only agreed with half of it.

It's hard to get motivated when you have so much free time. I told my mentor that I need a little bit of time pressure to get started. But the second I am motivated and focused and I start working, nothing will stop me from finishing my work. Not even dinner, you could ask my family about that, they will say that it's true. The only two things that can stop me are sleep and a good movie on TV, but only when I can finish my work the next day. Otherwise I'll just keep on going.

I always was one of the students, since kindergarten to HBO, who was very concentrated. During class I always paid attention and listened to what the teacher had to say. Of course I had my share of bad moods and then my concentration would be less, but normally I was very focused.
I'm very pleased with my schedule. There is enough time for school and enough time for fun. I'm especially happy, because I can plan my own things in my own time.

What about my plans for next year? I plan to study even harder and start preparing for my internship. I will also decide what department of communication I will focus on. How will I do that? By making schedules and sticking to them, asking teachers for information, reading and surfing the Internet and finally, I'll just have to wait and see what the second year will bring.

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