Who am I
What can I do
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Flash intro

What can I do

An assistant plays a key role in running a project or even the company as a whole, depending on what kind of assistant. You have to be organised and you should be able to cope with stress. Good insight of problems that might occur and an ability to adapt are also very important qualities. Being able to know what is going on and what has to be done is basically what you have to be capable of when you are an assistant. Some form of leadership skills is also desired, together with independency.

All these capabilities are what I can do if I want to. I am very organised and I am perfectly capable of working under stress. Sometimes I even need stress to perform at my highest. In other words, in certain situations stress can be my motivation. In high school and my years here at Inholland show that I can cope with stress. There were times when a team member had not done their job and I needed to fix it in a short period of time. Not only did I succeed, but me and the team members that did do something managed to do a pretty good job in the end.

Creative thinking and computer skills are furthermore significant to an assistant, also depending on what kind of assistant. I often work with my mother on church projects where she has to guide youngsters with their faith and prepare them to do their First Holy Communion. This job requires a lot of preparing, designing and problem solving skills. I help my mother by designing certificates, coming up with solutions when problems occur with the preparation, typing out notes of meetings and writing letters to the youngsters and their families, whether it is a sign up letter or a regular informative letter.

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