Year 1 The first day we started with an introduction of the course. Later on the 4 teachers gave us information about the assignments we were going to do on this day. We had to do an outdoor survival course. We had to face problems with your team and resolve them as a team. The weather was very cold, but we still did everything we could. In the end there would be one winner who had the most points. It was very interesting to see how our team solved the issues and came up with solutions to finish the job properly. You could really see the different roles of the team members during these exercises. I especially liked the "building-a-raft" experience. It was very difficult to make and we all set high standards. We thought that at least three people would go on the raft into the water. So we started building it and eventually we got something that looked like a raft. The supervisor was impressed, because we used the materials in a way that most people wouldn't even think of. We got the raft in the water, but as soon as it hit the water the raft became unstable. This was a very sad moment for us all. But luckily one person could still go on the raft. After the survival we sat down and discussed what happened and how we experienced the assignments. Then it was time to eat, everyone enjoyed their meal and in this relaxed environment I loosened up a bit. After dinner we had another assignment. We had to find a treasure. But everyone was placed in different teams. The assignment was divided into two parts. The first part sounded like fun. We had to go to a certain point, but we would have the map of another team. That other team would have our map. So we had to guide each other with the help of walkie-talkies. At first it was confusing and we weren't sure where we were, but eventually after dwelling around for about an hour we were there. The second assignment was to find the treasure. For this we received a map, but we were tight up together with our feet. Our team won, we found the treasure and everyone could hear our cries of joy. The next day we had a morning stroll in the park. This day was more about evaluating and giving feedback. This was very exciting. When we evaluated our team I was very moved. We all knew each others flaws and strengths and everyone agreed with what was said. I especially liked the trainer we had, because he was a lot of fun, yet serious in a way. During the feedback session it was pointed out clearly to me that I really have to speak up more. I have to share my ideas. The supervisor said these words to our team: "Shirleni doesn't talk much, but when she does it is right on!" I thought that this was a very big compliment and it motivated me to speak up. I still have to work on it, but I'm getting there. I still think that interrupting people is rude, but in order to get your message across, sometimes you have no other choice. I think that in order to develop this skill and all the other skills I need to become better, I will have to keep being motivated by my team members. Eventually I don't even need that particular motivation such as compliments or guidance to be able to speak my mind. Then hopefully it will just come naturally. 1 = hardly ever 2 = occasionally 3 = regularly 4 = frequently 5 = almost always
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